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Equi-Nox (2021) | 8'

The word "Equinox" derives from Latin and roughly translates as "equal night;" daytime and nighttime are approximately equal in duration everywhere on Earth, at twelve hours each. My piece is divided similarly into two movements, but the movements do not represent depictions of daytime and nighttime. Neither do they necessarily represent springtime and autumn (the March and September equinoxes), although these play a role. They are both "night" music, in that they are fantasies on the magic of night—playing among anticipation, concealment, and obscurity. They are also celebrations of the moment of balance, alignment, and pause found at the equinox. This is, however, a fleeting moment of balance—hastened, on the one hand, by the quickening energy growing beneath the snow in March, and on the other hand, by the inevitability of decay in the September air.